About Me

My name is Catherine, I am 22 years old and I have a great passion for musical theatre.

My passion stems from my childhood where I was fortunate enough to take part in theatre groups, dance classes and played the Alto saxophone. As I grew up my focus was on music; I played as part of an orchestra both in school and locally which I thoroughly enjoyed.

When I was 15 I started allstar cheerleading which led me to rekindle my passion for dance. Throughout my teenage years my love for performing grew and I decided I wanted to make it my career.

Unfortunately while training at a couple different colleges I soon fell ill and became depressed. I realised there had to be a deeper meaning behind this as I was doing what I loved yet I felt so unhappy. After years of investigation and tests I have been diagnosed with CFS/ME meaning the lifestyle of a performer is not one my body is healthy enough for.

Though it was heartbreaking to give up my training I am eternally grateful for all the opportunities I had. My training may have come to an unexpected stop however I still have a great passion for musical theatre and the arts. I decided I would find an alternate way to share my passion and still be involved in the industry and that is how One Show More was born. I will use this space to share my passion with all you lovely people and continue to love musical theatre.

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